Monday, December 18, 2006


In the Career Center we can offer you a lot of hands on assistance with the career decision process from deciding a major, searching for your dream career, writing those winning resumes, and shining in the interview for that part-time job, internship or full time position. Our website also offers a lot of different outlets to help you reach your goals. Try out some of our helpful links to get you started.

Now we bring to you our new Career Center Blog. Here we will be discussing some of those key elements in the career decision process, offering tips and places to go that will help you. On the blog we hope to feature topics that will help you succeed, advice from alumni or current students who are going through the same things you are, and we want your input. Make comments and share your own experiences as we explore the different elements of choosing and getting your dream job. You never have to go through the journey from school to careers alone.