Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The First Time!

Wow. My first time. And I don't mean what all of ya'll dirty minded people are thinking. It is my honor to share with everyone on the Internet (at least everyone one or two of you who will read this) my thoughts about the world around me. Though I do not believe that I will make any astounding discoveries or postulations. I'm just a country girl who likes to be opinionated.

Just to let everyone know I am a huge fan of America's Next Top Model. I have the slightest idea why to. It is one of those shows that you begin to watch and you just get sucked in. Before you know it you have watched the entire marathon on one season. It is addictive. Well, now I have new shows to help feed my addiction. The new season starts tomorrow and I am so excited. So no one bug me at 8 pm tomorrow. If you do you may get a very grouchy person.

As far as fashion goes I am by no means a fashion icon. I barely stay up with the trends. Though let's be honest who actually wants to stay current with some of the trends. Take sunglasses. I am all for them. They block the sun. Add a little something to the outfit at times. But girls who needs sunglasses that cover the entire top half of your face. Have ya'll looked in the mirror lately? You look like bugs! Big bugs that have no idea how ridiculous you look. That will have to be one trend that I definitely stay way from.

That's all for today. See nothing too profound.


Anonymous said...

America's Next Top Model? Uagh, Reality shows are definatlly a sign of the downfall of western civilization. The Romans had gladiatorial events, we have reality shows. Though I suppose it could have been worse, you could have said "My Super Sweet 16", now there's a show with absolutely no redeeming value.

Heather said...

I know pretty bad but I am a slave to the culture I live in.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but I'm a fan myself. The show absolutely cracks me up. Reality shows as a whole have gone way to far but this one is pretty fun to watch. And Heather, this is great cause I miss your random opinions.