Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ranting and Raving.....or something like it

I was browsing through my book collection last night and I had an epiphany. For those of you who do not know me I am an avid reader. Especially when it is a really juicy romance novel. I realized it is my responsibility to spread the word about good books and such. Even about bad ones. That being said I am going to start reviewing some of the books I read. I might even throw in a movie or two. Granted not many of you out there will find my reviews worthwhile but hey this is my blog and I can do anything I want to.

Ranting and Raving Book Reviews

Lover Awakened by JR Ward

This was a fabulous book. I loved it. It is the 3rd book in a series about a race of vampires. Ms. Ward has given a twist to the normal vampire myth (though to be honest I think every author is giving the myth a twist, I wonder if we'll ever see a untwisted story). In the world of Lover Awakened (and other books) the vampires are pursued by a group of men called the Lessers. Pale, pasty creatures that give up their humanity in the cause of their evil god. But the vampires are saved by the warriors of their race, the Blackdagger Brotherhood. Lover Awakened is about the tragic scared warrior Zsadist. He is my favorite of the brothers. Something about his bad attitude and meanness is really hot, mainly because he has a tragic story behind the mean facade. But he is eventually tamed, or at least calmed, by Bella, a woman who has her own tragdie. Overall it was a great book. Plus a lot of things happen in it that really progress the series. And leaves the reader wondering what is going to happen next. I am anticipating the next release of the series in early 2007.

I love to read books about the supernatural, and not I do not believe in it. I wonder what it is about vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night that so intrigue people. Is it the fact that these creatures are so different from reality they give people a way to escape. Or is it that the idea of living longer than normal or having extraordinary abilities is the allure. Who knows. I guess for me it is the way that when I read a book or watch a movie about these creatures I am taken to another place. I am seeing what someone's imagination thought up. And with the imagination you can go anywhere. Yes, for me it is the escaping to another world. A place that no matter what happens your problems are always solved by the last chapter.


Anonymous said...

You didn't mention if this particular vampire book was of the classic vampire porno persuasion.

Heather said...

Its a romance novel what do you expect?