Monday, December 18, 2006


In the Career Center we can offer you a lot of hands on assistance with the career decision process from deciding a major, searching for your dream career, writing those winning resumes, and shining in the interview for that part-time job, internship or full time position. Our website also offers a lot of different outlets to help you reach your goals. Try out some of our helpful links to get you started.

Now we bring to you our new Career Center Blog. Here we will be discussing some of those key elements in the career decision process, offering tips and places to go that will help you. On the blog we hope to feature topics that will help you succeed, advice from alumni or current students who are going through the same things you are, and we want your input. Make comments and share your own experiences as we explore the different elements of choosing and getting your dream job. You never have to go through the journey from school to careers alone.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Heroes. What a great show. For any of my readers who ever liked comic books, the X-Men, or any other media with people who have super powers will love this show. Like x-men people in the world of Heroes have genetically reached the point where some of them are developing powers. One girl is invicible, a couple of guys can fly, one person can even see the future through his art work.

What I really liked about the premiere episode is that it showed that the future of this world is not perfect yet with the aid of these people it might be better. Somehow I'm guessing the people with special abilities will save the world or at least salvage it.

And like any great show there is even a spark between several of the characters. I do so love sparks. Will they go anywhere, most likely not since the great sci-fi dramas never feature any great romances. I guess I'm a sucker at heart.

But you never know?

Monday, September 25, 2006

I wonder what they really think. . . . . .

While on campus today I passed by a group of Mennonites. At Georgia Southern we have a lot of people who come on campus and pass out pamphlets and such to students as they pass by. The Mennonites do this but they also have a group that sings. I never really stop and listen to them but what I do hear sounds very pretty. I do love gospel music, though I do imagine they sing different hymns than I am used to.

What really got me wondering is what they really think of the people around them. The Mennonite women dress so conservative, always long dresses with the little white caps on their heads. While the men are in button down shirts and pants. What can they possibly be thinking when they come on college campuses full of girls who believe shorts should show a little cheek and guys who tend to wear pant 4 sizes to large for them? And even the more conservative dressed students what goes through those men and women's mind when they see a woman in a pair of pants.

Now, I do not believe they are cursing us but do they say a little prayer? When I see a Mennonite I think of men and women who are very devote and loyal in their faith. They sacrifice some of the more pleasurable things in life for their beliefs, ex. women wearing pants (I personally don't think I could wear a dress/skirt everyday).

What do they rearlly think?

Friday, September 22, 2006


This morning I saw a gift from heaven. A careful, and I mean a careful, of Krispy Kreme boxes. From twenty feet away I could smell that sweet aroma. It was divine. A gift from the heavens. And though I continued to walk by that beautiful sight what I really wanted to do was jump among the boxes and feast. Don't worry, I restrained myself. Barely.

That sight got me thinking though. About eating and those out there who don't. Those out there who do too much of it. Me. I'm somewhere in the middle. I love food but only certain things. I have been called picky in the past. Go figure. But what I have never understood is the people who practically starve themselves just to remain a certain size. It is very sad. I cannot imagine walking by a juicy steak or a cold bowl of ice cream. The thought of just ignoring it is too much for me to imagine. Yet there are women and men out there who do. People who see a steak and also see the calories, fat, and carbs that come along with it. They sit there and tabulate what they can give up just so they can have that steak.

I blame the culture and society we live in. TV, magazines, movies, and any other type of media all show slender women and muscled men. Rarely is there ever a leading lady who is a size 12 (which I believe is the average size in America, or close to it). Rarely do you ever see the male hero as a pudgy man who is slightly balding. No, that doesn't sell. Sex sells. And according to the media who would want to get with the overweight average person.

The way this view is pressed on everyday people can be seen in today's teenagers. There is a tv show in CMT called Tiara Girls. Each episode follows around a girl who is in a pageant. You get to see what she goes through in order to prepare. The episode that really got to me was a girl who had to be around 5'10" and a size 10. Not large by any means. Yet everyone on the show, including her mother and father, kept saying she was fat. They even hinted that she should look into plastic surgery. I was screaming at the tv by this point for her to slap everyone. Yet she took it, though I did see a tear or two. She took it and hired a personal trainer to help "get her into shape." What a bunch of bull.

Today's culture is horrible. I read books about how a few hundred years ago (before the dreaded corset) women with curves where seen a beautiful. They were the women that men salivated for. I sometimes wish those days were back. It would make me (size 14) and the rest of the majority of women feel a lot better about ourselves when we look in a mirror. But until Hollywood and the rest of them begin show larger women as leading ladies instead of the comic relief it will never happen.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ranting and Raving.....or something like it

I was browsing through my book collection last night and I had an epiphany. For those of you who do not know me I am an avid reader. Especially when it is a really juicy romance novel. I realized it is my responsibility to spread the word about good books and such. Even about bad ones. That being said I am going to start reviewing some of the books I read. I might even throw in a movie or two. Granted not many of you out there will find my reviews worthwhile but hey this is my blog and I can do anything I want to.

Ranting and Raving Book Reviews

Lover Awakened by JR Ward

This was a fabulous book. I loved it. It is the 3rd book in a series about a race of vampires. Ms. Ward has given a twist to the normal vampire myth (though to be honest I think every author is giving the myth a twist, I wonder if we'll ever see a untwisted story). In the world of Lover Awakened (and other books) the vampires are pursued by a group of men called the Lessers. Pale, pasty creatures that give up their humanity in the cause of their evil god. But the vampires are saved by the warriors of their race, the Blackdagger Brotherhood. Lover Awakened is about the tragic scared warrior Zsadist. He is my favorite of the brothers. Something about his bad attitude and meanness is really hot, mainly because he has a tragic story behind the mean facade. But he is eventually tamed, or at least calmed, by Bella, a woman who has her own tragdie. Overall it was a great book. Plus a lot of things happen in it that really progress the series. And leaves the reader wondering what is going to happen next. I am anticipating the next release of the series in early 2007.

I love to read books about the supernatural, and not I do not believe in it. I wonder what it is about vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night that so intrigue people. Is it the fact that these creatures are so different from reality they give people a way to escape. Or is it that the idea of living longer than normal or having extraordinary abilities is the allure. Who knows. I guess for me it is the way that when I read a book or watch a movie about these creatures I am taken to another place. I am seeing what someone's imagination thought up. And with the imagination you can go anywhere. Yes, for me it is the escaping to another world. A place that no matter what happens your problems are always solved by the last chapter.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The First Time!

Wow. My first time. And I don't mean what all of ya'll dirty minded people are thinking. It is my honor to share with everyone on the Internet (at least everyone one or two of you who will read this) my thoughts about the world around me. Though I do not believe that I will make any astounding discoveries or postulations. I'm just a country girl who likes to be opinionated.

Just to let everyone know I am a huge fan of America's Next Top Model. I have the slightest idea why to. It is one of those shows that you begin to watch and you just get sucked in. Before you know it you have watched the entire marathon on one season. It is addictive. Well, now I have new shows to help feed my addiction. The new season starts tomorrow and I am so excited. So no one bug me at 8 pm tomorrow. If you do you may get a very grouchy person.

As far as fashion goes I am by no means a fashion icon. I barely stay up with the trends. Though let's be honest who actually wants to stay current with some of the trends. Take sunglasses. I am all for them. They block the sun. Add a little something to the outfit at times. But girls who needs sunglasses that cover the entire top half of your face. Have ya'll looked in the mirror lately? You look like bugs! Big bugs that have no idea how ridiculous you look. That will have to be one trend that I definitely stay way from.

That's all for today. See nothing too profound.