Friday, September 22, 2006


This morning I saw a gift from heaven. A careful, and I mean a careful, of Krispy Kreme boxes. From twenty feet away I could smell that sweet aroma. It was divine. A gift from the heavens. And though I continued to walk by that beautiful sight what I really wanted to do was jump among the boxes and feast. Don't worry, I restrained myself. Barely.

That sight got me thinking though. About eating and those out there who don't. Those out there who do too much of it. Me. I'm somewhere in the middle. I love food but only certain things. I have been called picky in the past. Go figure. But what I have never understood is the people who practically starve themselves just to remain a certain size. It is very sad. I cannot imagine walking by a juicy steak or a cold bowl of ice cream. The thought of just ignoring it is too much for me to imagine. Yet there are women and men out there who do. People who see a steak and also see the calories, fat, and carbs that come along with it. They sit there and tabulate what they can give up just so they can have that steak.

I blame the culture and society we live in. TV, magazines, movies, and any other type of media all show slender women and muscled men. Rarely is there ever a leading lady who is a size 12 (which I believe is the average size in America, or close to it). Rarely do you ever see the male hero as a pudgy man who is slightly balding. No, that doesn't sell. Sex sells. And according to the media who would want to get with the overweight average person.

The way this view is pressed on everyday people can be seen in today's teenagers. There is a tv show in CMT called Tiara Girls. Each episode follows around a girl who is in a pageant. You get to see what she goes through in order to prepare. The episode that really got to me was a girl who had to be around 5'10" and a size 10. Not large by any means. Yet everyone on the show, including her mother and father, kept saying she was fat. They even hinted that she should look into plastic surgery. I was screaming at the tv by this point for her to slap everyone. Yet she took it, though I did see a tear or two. She took it and hired a personal trainer to help "get her into shape." What a bunch of bull.

Today's culture is horrible. I read books about how a few hundred years ago (before the dreaded corset) women with curves where seen a beautiful. They were the women that men salivated for. I sometimes wish those days were back. It would make me (size 14) and the rest of the majority of women feel a lot better about ourselves when we look in a mirror. But until Hollywood and the rest of them begin show larger women as leading ladies instead of the comic relief it will never happen.

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